1. SYMBIOSES computational framework
Product 1 is the SYMBIOSES computational framework. The SYMBIOSES computational framework is a computer code that connects SYMBIOSES modules. It is a generic framework which can be used to develop SYMBIOSES modelling systems for any marine area.
2. SYMBIOSES driver module
Product 2 is the SYMBIOSES driver program. The driver program is a computer code that controls the transfer of information among SYMBIOSES modules. This computational driver is dependent upon the chosen models and therefore must be customised for each region-specific SYMBIOSES modelling system.
3. Ecotoxicology database
Product 3 is a database containing ecotoxicology data representing effects of oil on arctic species. The database includes information on selected species groups, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish, collected from 100 literature sources spanning 72 different oil compounds. It includes the complete collection of species specific toxicity endpoints for both single (oil and chlorinated compounds) and mixed compounds (crude oil and dispersants).
4. SYMBIOSES Barents-V1
Product 4 is a fully operational SYMBIOSES modelling system for the Barents Sea (SYMBIOSES Barents-V1) running on the STALLO supercomputer at the University of Tromsø together with design documentation and a programmer’s guide. The system includes 1) the computational framework, 2) a customised computational driver, and 3) a set of interconnected modules linking individual ecology/ecotoxicology models into the framework.
The SYMBIOSES III phase delivered: 1) a new version of the SYMBIOSES software, including an improved ECOTOX module, a LARMOD module prepared for including oil droplet distribution. 2) An extended model domain covering the entire NCS and oceanographic fields for a range of years. 3) a portfolio of simulation results from the Barents Sea/Lofoten area, as well as a range of current activities on the NCS. 4) sensitivity test results, and 5) peer-reviewed publications.
Contact information: Geir Morten Skeie gms@akvaplan.niva.no